Body Shop HIIT Subscription (Gym Members)

Body Shop HIIT Subscription (Gym Members)

Traveling or just don't have time to make it to the gym today? no worries! here is a library of HIIT workouts from classes held weekly. Now you don't have to miss the workout if you miss the gym!

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Body Shop HIIT Subscription (Gym Members)
  • series 1. I) core portion 3

    Russian Twists
    In & outs
    Reverse crunch
    Flutter kicks

  • series 1. H) workout 3 (repeat video)

    8 movements, 20 seconds work followed by 10 second recovery. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. After completion of 3 rounds move to the core portion which consist of 4 movements that will be repeated twice for a total of 8 movements.
    High knees
    DB “T” Touches
    Plank Windmill hops
    DB triceps exte...

  • series 1. G) how to 3

    8 movements, 20 seconds work followed by 10 second recovery. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. After completion of 3 rounds move to the core portion which consist of 4 movements that will be repeated twice for a total of 8 movements.
    High knees
    DB “T” Touches
    Plank Windmill hops
    DB triceps exte...

  • Series 1. E) workout 2 (repeat video)

    8 movements, 20 seconds work followed by 10 second recovery. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. After completion of 3 rounds move to the core portion which consist of 4 movements that will be repeated twice for a total of 8 movements.
    Box jump on-overs
    DB Plank + Alternating forward raises
    DB Pla...

  • series 1. F) core portion 2

    DB side pull R
    DB side pull L
    DB leg lifts
    Windmill leg lifts over DB

  • series 1. D) How to 2

    Box jump on-overs
    DB Plank + Alternating forward raises
    DB Plank Alternating Row
    Plank Jacks—feet on-off box
    DB Donkey Kick-cross R
    DB Donkey Kick- Cross L
    Squat + Alternating side kicks
    Toe Taps on box
    DB side pull R
    DB side pull L
    DB leg lifts
    Windmill leg lifts over DB

  • series 1. C) Core portion workout 1

    Knee crunches
    Obliques R
    Obliques L

  • Series 1. B) workout 1 (repeat video)

    8 movements, 20 seconds work followed by 10 second recovery. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. After completion of 3 rounds move to the core portion which consist of 4 movements that will be repeated twice for a total of 8 movements.
    Touch down jumps
    DB single leg deadlifts R
    DB single leg deadl...

  • Series 1. A) How to 1

    8 movements, 20 seconds work followed by 10 second recovery. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. After completion of 3 rounds move to the core portion which consist of 4 movements that will be repeated twice for a total of 8 movements
    Touch down jumps
    DB single leg deadlifts R
    DB single leg deadli...

  • Series 1. N) Workout 5 (repeat video)

    8 movements, 20 seconds work followed by 10 second recovery. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. After completion of 3 rounds move to the core portion which consist of 4 movements that will be repeated twice for a total of 8 movements
    Toe Taps
    DB plant T twist R
    DB plank T twist L
    Walking pushup

  • Series 1. M) How to 5

    8 movements, 20 seconds work followed by 10 second recovery. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. After completion of 3 rounds move to the core portion which consist of 4 movements that will be repeated twice for a total of 8 movements
    Toe Taps
    Core: X2
    Oblique crunch R
    Oblique crunch L
    Hollow ho...

  • Series 1. L) core portion 4

    Circles R
    Circles L
    Stiff Leg reach R
    Stiff Leg reach L

  • series 1. K) workout 4 (repeat video)

    8 movements, 20 seconds work followed by 10 second recovery. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. After completion of 3 rounds move to the core portion which consist of 4 movements that will be repeated twice for a total of 8 movements.
    Box shuffles + side squat
    Box knee drive +DB twist R
    Box knee ...

  • series 1. J) How to 4

    8 movements, 20 seconds work followed by 10 second recovery. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. After completion of 3 rounds move to the core portion which consist of 4 movements that will be repeated twice for a total of 8 movements.
    Box shuffles + side squat
    Box knee drive +DB twist R
    Box knee ...

  • Series 1. O) Core portion 5

    Core: X2
    Oblique crunch R
    Oblique crunch L
    Hollow hold
    Superman flex

  • Series 1. R) core 6 (Repeat Video)

    Core: X2
    Heel touches
    Reverse crunch
    In & out

  • Series 1. Q) workout 6 (repeat video)

    High knees
    Box Dips
    Lateral raises
    Scissor jumps
    Air squats
    DB deadlifts
    Calf raises with DB
    DB jump overs

  • Series 1. P) how to 6

    8 movements, 20 seconds work followed by 10 second recovery. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. After completion of 3 rounds move to the core portion which consist of 4 movements that will be repeated twice for a total of 8 movements
    Workout 6
    High knees
    Box Dips
    Lateral raises
    Scissor jumps

  • Series 1. U) core 7

    Core: X2
    DB punches
    DB sit ups
    DB Russian twists
    DB windmill leg lifts

  • Series 1. T) workout 7 (Repeat Video)

    Jumping squats
    Lateral leg fire hydrant R
    Lateral leg fire hydrant L
    Scissor jumps
    DB press + reverse lunge R
    DB press+ reverse lunge L
    DB Deadlift
    Touchdown jumps

  • Series 1. S) how to 7

    Jumping squats
    Lateral leg fire hydrant R
    Lateral leg fire hydrant L
    Scissor jumps
    DB press + reverse lunge R
    DB press+ reverse lunge L
    DB Deadlift
    Touchdown jumps
    Core: X2
    Heel touches
    X crunch R
    X crunch L
    Scissor kicks

  • Series 1. X) core portion 8

    Core: X2
    DB punches
    DB sit ups
    DB Russian twists
    DB windmill leg lifts

  • Series 1. V) how to 8

    Workout 8
    DB Chest press
    Skull crushers
    Mountain climbers
    Lateral raise + center touch
    Biceps curl
    DB jump overs
    Push press
    Core: X2
    DB punches
    DB sit ups
    DB Russian twists
    DB windmill leg lifts

  • Series 1. W) Workout 8 (repeat video)

    Workout 8
    DB Chest press
    Skull crushers
    Mountain climbers
    Lateral raise + center touch
    Biceps curl
    DB jump overs
    Push press
    Core: X2
    DB punches
    DB sit ups
    DB Russian twists
    DB windmill leg lifts

  • Series 1. Z) workout 9 (repeat video)

    Workout 9
    Jumping jacks
    Knee drive + oblique twist R
    Knee drive + oblique twist L
    Burpees + DB high pull
    Push ups
    Crab kicks
    Side lunge R
    Side lunge L
    Core: X2
    Plank + hip dips
    Alternating sit ups
    Figure 8
    Half crunches

  • Series 1. Y) How To 9

    Workout 9
    Jumping jacks
    Knee drive + oblique twist R
    Knee drive + oblique twist L
    Burpees + DB high pull
    Push ups
    Crab kicks
    Side lunge R
    Side lunge L
    Core: X2
    Plank + hip dips
    Alternating sit ups
    Figure 8
    Half crunches

  • Series 1. Z) Core 9 (repeat video)

    Core: X2
    Plank + hip dips
    Alternating sit ups
    Figure 8
    Half crunches

  • Series 2. L) Core 13 (repeat)

    Core: X2
    DB side pulls R
    DB side pulls L
    DB In & Outs
    DB Reverse Crunch

  • Series 2. K) workout 13 (repeat)

    Workout 13
    Burpee + DB jump over
    DB Over Head Lunges R
    DB Over Head Lunges L
    DB Toe taps
    Goblet squats
    DB Donkey kick-cross R
    DB Donkey kick-cross L
    DB swings

  • Series 2. J) How To 13 (repeat)

    Workout 13
    Burpee + DB jump over
    DB Over Head Lunges R
    DB Over Head Lunges L
    DB Toe taps
    Goblet squats
    DB Donkey kick-cross R
    DB Donkey kick-cross L
    DB swings
    Core: X2
    DB side pulls R
    DB side pulls L
    DB In & Outs
    DB Reverse Crunch

  • Series 2. I) core 12 (repeat)

    Core: 2X
    Knee crunches
    Side pulls R
    Side pulls L

  • Series 2. H) Workout 12 (repeat)

    Workout 12
    Push ups
    Pile squat
    Center pulls
    Plank jacks
    Dips on box
    Squat + alt. side kicks
    DB Push press
    Core: 2X
    Knee crunches
    Side pulls R
    Side pulls L

  • Series 2. G) how to 12

    Workout 12
    Push ups
    Pile squat
    Center pulls
    Plank jacks
    Dips on box
    Squat + alt. side kicks
    DB Push press
    Core: 2X
    Knee crunches
    Side pulls R
    Side pulls L

  • Series 2. F) core 11 (repeat)

  • Series 2. E) Workout 11 (repeat)

    Core: 2X
    Sprinters crunch R
    Sprinters crunch L
    Plank + shoulder taps
    Superman flex

  • Series 2. D) How to 11

    Workout 11
    Hop scotch jumps
    Db Arm circles
    Bent over row
    Plank windmill hops
    DB Plank row
    T hammer curls
    Star jumps
    Lateral raise + forward raise
    Core: 2X
    Sprinters crunch R
    Sprinters crunch L
    Plank + shoulder taps
    Superman flex

  • Series 2. C) Core 10 (repeat video)

    Core: 2X
    Side plank R
    Side Plank L
    Heels to heaven reaches
    Leg lifts

  • Series 2. B) Workout 10 (repeat video)

    Workout 10
    Box hops + squat
    Pike donkey kicks R
    Pike donkey kicks L
    DB thrusters
    Marching hip bridges
    Lunge pulse R
    Lunge pulse L
    Half burpee
    Core: 2X
    Side plank R
    Side Plank L
    Heels to heaven reaches
    Leg lifts

  • Series 2. A) How to 10

    Workout 10
    Box hops + squat
    Pike donkey kicks R
    Pike donkey kicks L
    DB thrusters
    Marching hip bridges
    Lunge pulse R
    Lunge pulse L
    Half burpee
    Core: 2X
    Side plank R
    Side Plank L
    Heels to heaven reaches
    Leg lifts

  • series 2. Z) core 18

    DB sit-up
    DB Russian twists
    DB Figure 8
    DB leg lifts

  • series 2. Z) workout 18

    Workout 18
    Skater jumps
    Bulgarian Lunges R
    Bulgarian Lunges L
    High knees
    Box Dips
    DB push press
    DB calf raises
    Squat + alt. side kicks
    DB sit-up
    DB Russian twists
    DB Figure 8
    DB leg lifts

  • series 2. Y) how to 18

    Workout 18
    Skater jumps
    Bulgarian Lunges R
    Bulgarian Lunges L
    High knees
    Box Dips
    DB push press
    DB calf raises
    Squat + alt. side kicks
    DB sit-up
    DB Russian twists
    DB Figure 8
    DB leg lifts

  • Series 2. X) core 17

    Core: X2
    Plank + hip dips
    Oblique crunch R
    Oblique crunch L
    Hollow hold

  • Series 2. W) Workout 17

    Workout 17
    Box shuffles
    DB snatch R
    DB snatch L
    DB swings
    DB Knee Drives R
    DB Knee Drives L
    DB Back extensions
    Core: X2
    Plank + hip dips
    Oblique crunch R
    Oblique crunch L
    Hollow hold

  • Series 2. V) How to 17

    Workout 17
    Box shuffles
    DB snatch R
    DB snatch L
    DB swings
    DB Knee Drives R
    DB Knee Drives L
    DB Back extensions
    Core: X2
    Plank + hip dips
    Oblique crunch R
    Oblique crunch L
    Hollow hold

  • series 2. U) core 16

    Core: X2
    Windmill leg lifts
    In & outs
    Sprinter R
    Sprinter L

  • Series 2. T) workout 16

    Workout 16
    Scissor jumps
    Elevated lunges R
    Elevated Lunges L
    Touch down jumps
    Lateral leg fire hydrant R
    Lateral leg fire hydrant L
    Mountain climbers
    Squat pulse
    Core: X2
    Windmill leg lifts
    In & outs
    Sprinter R
    Sprinter L

  • Series 2. S) How To 16

    Workout 16
    Scissor jumps
    Elevated lunges R
    Elevated Lunges L
    Touch down jumps
    Lateral leg fire hydrant R
    Lateral leg fire hydrant L
    Mountain climbers
    Squat pulse
    Core: X2
    Windmill leg lifts
    In & outs
    Sprinter R
    Sprinter L

  • Series 2. R) Core 15

    Core: 2X
    Knee crunches
    Stiff leg reach R
    Stiff leg reach L
    Figure 8

  • Series 2. Q) workout 15

    Plank Windmill hops
    Plank + DB Alt. shift
    X Crunch R
    X Crunch L
    Crab Kicks
    Side Leg raise+ back raise R
    Side Leg raise + back raise L
    Squat + heel touch

  • Series 2. P) How to 15

    Plank Windmill hops
    Plank + DB Alt. shift
    X Crunch R
    X Crunch L
    Crab Kicks
    Side Leg raise+ back raise R
    Side Leg raise + back raise L
    Squat + heel touch

  • Series 2. O) core 14

    Core: X2
    DB Windmill leg lifts
    Hollow hold
    Reverse crunch

  • Series 2. N) Workout 14

    Jumping jacks+ knee tuck alt oblique twist
    DB plank + T twist R
    DB plank + T twist L
    Butt kicks
    Plank + Alt. DB forward raises
    Push up + superman flex
    Plank jacks+ shoulder taps
    Plank walk outs

  • Series 2. M) How to 14

    Workout 14
    Jumping jacks+ knee tuck alt oblique twist
    DB plank + T twist R
    DB plank + T twist L
    Butt kicks
    Plank + Alt. DB forward raises
    Push up + superman flex
    Plank jacks+ shoulder taps
    Plank walk outs
    Core: X2
    DB Windmill leg lifts
    Hollow hold
    Reverse crunch